Apicius 58


Apothermum sic facies

Alicam elixa nucleis et amygdalis depilatis et in aqua infusis et lotis ex creta argentaria, ut ad candorem pariter perducantur. Cui ammiscebis uuam passam, caroenum uel passum. Desuper <piper> confractum asparges et in boletari inferes.



Apothermum is made like this

Boiled semolina with pine-kernels and pealed almonds, soaked in water and washed with chalk like used for polishing silver, in order to make them evenly white. Mix with this raisins and caroenum or sweet wine. Sprinkle with coarsely ground pepper and serve in a shallow dish.




It isn't quite clear to me what place this dich took up in the Roman menu, but delicious it is and if we allow ourselves to stay close to our own traditions, we can succesfully serve it as a desert.
The semolina should be boiled or steamed in a way to produce a not too sticky, rather loose texture. Once done, we turn it into a large, flat dish to cool down. After a while we can mix in the pine-kernels and raisins (soak them in sweet wine overnight!), in quantities to our liking. Sprinkle wit some sweet wine, but be careful not to ruin the texture. The pealed almonds will do nicely as a decoration on top of the dish. Serve chilled.

By the way: let's forget about polishing the almonds with chalk...